1 Public Class frmadduser
2     Dim strERR As String
3     Dim strNOERR As String
4     Private Sub cmdcancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdcancel.Click
5         Close()
6     End Sub
8     Private Sub cmdupdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdupdate.Click
9         strERR =
"Please complete the following requirements!" & Chr(10) & "-----------------------------"
10         strNOERR = strERR
11         If txtfname.Text =
"" Then
12             strERR = strERR & Chr(
10) & " Username"
13         End If
14         If txtlname.Text =
"" Then
15             strERR = strERR & Chr(
10) & " Lastname"
16         End If
17         If txtmname.Text =
"" Then
18             strERR = strERR & Chr(
10) & " Middlename"
19         End If
20         If txtaddress.Text =
"" Then
21             strERR = strERR & Chr(
10) & " Address"
22         End If
23         If txtcontact.Text =
"" Then
24             strERR = strERR & Chr(
10) & "Mobile / Phone "
25         End If
26         If txtusername.Text =
"" Then
27             strERR = strERR & Chr(
10) & " Username "
28         End If
29         If Len(txtpassword.Text) <
6 Then
30             strERR = strERR & Chr(
10) & "Password Must Be At least 6 Characters"
31         End If
32         If txtpassword.Text =
"" Then
33             strERR = strERR & Chr(
10) & " Password "
34         End If
36         If cmbaccnttype.Text =
"" Then
37             strERR = strERR & Chr(
10) & " Account Type "
38         End If
39         If txtpassword.Text <> txtconfirm.Text Then
40             strERR = strERR & Chr(
10) & " Password not match "
41         End If
42         If strNOERR <> strERR Then
43             MsgBox(strERR, MsgBoxStyle.Information,
"Sales and Inventory")
44             Exit Sub
45         End If
47         If Me.Text =
"Edit User Account" Then
48             If UCase(xUser_Access) = UCase(
"Administrator") Then
49                 sqlSTR =
"UPDATE tbl_users SET username ='" & txtusername.Text & "', " _
50                                     & 
"userpass='" & txtpassword.Text & "', " _
51                                     & 
"access_type='" & cmbaccnttype.Text & "', " _
52                                     & 
"lastname='" & txtlname.Text & "', " _
53                                     & 
"firstname='" & txtfname.Text & "', " _
54                                     & 
"middlename='" & txtmname.Text & "', " _
55                                     & 
"address='" & txtaddress.Text & "', " _
56                                     & 
"contact='" & txtcontact.Text & "', " _
57                                     & 
"local_number ='" & txtlocal.Text & "' WHERE user_id =" & FrmSysUser.lstusers.FocusedItem.Text
58             Else
59                 sqlSTR =
"UPDATE tbl_users SET username ='" & txtusername.Text & "', " _
60                                     & 
"userpass='" & txtpassword.Text & "', " _
61                                     & 
"access_type='" & cmbaccnttype.Text & "', " _
62                                     & 
"lastname='" & txtlname.Text & "', " _
63                                     & 
"firstname='" & txtfname.Text & "', " _
64                                     & 
"middlename='" & txtmname.Text & "', " _
65                                     & 
"address='" & txtaddress.Text & "', " _
66                                     & 
"contact='" & txtcontact.Text & "', " _
67                                     & 
"local_number ='" & txtlocal.Text & "' WHERE user_id =" & xUser_ID
68             End If
70             ExecuteSQLQuery(sqlSTR)
71             Audit_Trail(xUser_ID, TimeOfDay,
"Edit User Account ")
72         Else
73             sqlSTR =
"INSERT INTO tbl_users (username, userpass, access_type, lastname, firstname, middlename, address, contact, local_number) VALUES('" & txtusername.Text & "', " _
74                                                                      & 
"'" & txtpassword.Text & "', " _
75                                                                      & 
"'" & cmbaccnttype.Text & "', " _
76                                                                      & 
"'" & txtlname.Text & "', " _
77                                                                      & 
"'" & txtfname.Text & "', " _
78                                                                      & 
"'" & txtmname.Text & "', " _
79                                                                      & 
"'" & txtaddress.Text & "', " _
80                                                                      & 
"'" & txtcontact.Text & "', " _
81                                                                      & 
"'" & txtlocal.Text & "')"
82             ExecuteSQLQuery(sqlSTR)
83             Audit_Trail(xUser_ID, TimeOfDay,
"Add New User Account ")
84         End If
87         MsgBox(
"Record Successfuly Update! ", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
88         FillListView(ExecuteSQLQuery(
"select user_id as 'Account No', Username as 'Username', Access_type as 'Access Type' FROM tbl_users"), FrmSysUser.lstusers, 1)
89         Me.Close()
90     End Sub
92     Private Sub frmadduser_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
93         txtlname.Text =
94         txtfname.Text =
95         txtmname.Text =
96         txtaddress.Text =
97         txtcontact.Text =
98         txtlocal.Text =
99         If Me.Text =
"Edit User Account" Then
101             If UCase(xUser_Access) = UCase(
"Administrator") Then
102                 FrmSysUser.lstusers.Focus()
103                 sqlSTR =
"SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE user_ID =" & FrmSysUser.lstusers.FocusedItem.Text
104                 txtlname.Enabled = True
105                 txtfname.Enabled = True
106                 txtmname.Enabled = True
107                 txtaddress.Enabled = True
108                 txtcontact.Enabled = True
109                 txtlocal.Enabled = True
110                 txtusername.Enabled = True
111                 txtpassword.Enabled = True
112                 txtconfirm.Enabled = True
113                 cmbaccnttype.Enabled = True
114             Else
115                 sqlSTR =
"SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE user_ID =" & xUser_ID
116                 txtlname.Enabled = False
117                 txtfname.Enabled = False
118                 txtmname.Enabled = False
119                 txtaddress.Enabled = True
120                 txtcontact.Enabled = True
121                 txtlocal.Enabled = False
122                 txtusername.Enabled = False
123                 txtpassword.Enabled = True
124                 txtconfirm.Enabled = True
125                 cmbaccnttype.Enabled = False
126             End If
127             ExecuteSQLQuery(sqlSTR)
129             With sqlDT
130                 If .Rows.Count >
0 Then
132                     txtlname.Text = .Rows(
133                     txtfname.Text = .Rows(
134                     txtmname.Text = .Rows(
135                     txtaddress.Text = .Rows(
136                     txtcontact.Text = .Rows(
137                     txtlocal.Text = .Rows(
138                     txtusername.Text = .Rows(
139                     txtpassword.Text = .Rows(
140                     txtconfirm.Text = .Rows(
141                     cmbaccnttype.Text = .Rows(
142                 End If
143             End With
144         End If
145     End Sub
147     Private Sub txtlname_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtlname.TextChanged
'txtusername.Text = txtlname.Text
149         txtlname.Text = filter_Special_Char(str_Filter(txtlname,
65, 122, 32, 50))
150         txtusername.Text = txtlname.Text
151     End Sub
153     Private Sub txtcontact_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtcontact.TextChanged
154         txtcontact.Text = str_Filter(txtcontact,
48, 57, 0, 0)
155     End Sub
157     Private Sub txtfname_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtfname.TextChanged
158         txtfname.Text = filter_Special_Char(str_Filter(txtfname,
65, 122, 32, 50))
159     End Sub
161     Private Sub txtmname_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtmname.TextChanged
162         txtmname.Text = filter_Special_Char(str_Filter(txtmname,
65, 122, 32, 50))
163     End Sub
165     Private Sub txtlocal_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtlocal.TextChanged
166         txtlocal.Text = str_Filter(txtlocal,
48, 57, 0, 0)
167     End Sub
168 End Class

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